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How To Use Shadows And Blur Effects In Modern UI Design

    When you examine the most successful interaction designs of recent years, the clear winners are those who provide an excellent functionality. While functional aspect of a design is key to product success, aesthetics and visual details are equally important — particularly how they can improve those functional elements. In today’s article, I’ll explain how visual […]

How To Use Shadows And Blur Effects In Modern UI Design Leer más »

Web Development Reading List #170: Hamburger Alternatives, Libsodium In PHP And Choosing Profit

    As web developers, we need to rely on our knowledge, and choosing solutions we’re already familiar with is often the most convenient approach to solving a problem. However, not only technology is evolving but also our knowledge of how to use it. For a while, we thought it’s best to use base64 encoding

Web Development Reading List #170: Hamburger Alternatives, Libsodium In PHP And Choosing Profit Leer más »

Copy If You Can: Improving Your UI Design Skills With Copywork

    There’s a technique for improving one’s user interface design skills that is the most efficient way I know of expanding one’s visual vocabulary but that I’ve rarely heard mentioned by digital designers. I’m talking about copywork. Copywork is a technique that writers and painters have been using for centuries. It is the process

Copy If You Can: Improving Your UI Design Skills With Copywork Leer más »

The Realities Of UX Design In The Luxury Industry

    For luxury companies and upscale lifestyle service providers, excellence in experience is an essential component of the value delivered. Conceptually different from the mass market, the luxury domain relies not only on offering the highest differentiated products and services, but on delivering experiential value. Adopting technology and embracing a digital presence through platforms

The Realities Of UX Design In The Luxury Industry Leer más »

To Use Or Not To Use: Touch Gesture Controls For Mobile Interfaces

    Many criticize gestural controls as being unintuitive and unnecessary. Despite this, widespread adoption is underway already, and the UI design world is burning the candle at both ends to develop solutions that are instinctively tactile. The challenges here are those of novelty. Even though gestural controls have been around since the early 1980s

To Use Or Not To Use: Touch Gesture Controls For Mobile Interfaces Leer más »