Smile Inducing Portrait Photography

Smile Inducing Portrait Photography

Smile Inducing Portrait Photography

Jan 13, 2017

Our heartstrings received a big tug when we came upon a collection of portrait photography shot by Turkish travel photographer Mehmet Genç. We’re a bit late to pick up on the work but couldn’t resist sharing such a moving project that will surely bring a smile to anyone’s face. 

Have you ever been approached by a complete stranger and been paid a lovely compliment out of the blue? Well, in what seems to be a most simple concept, this was the basis of Mehmet’s project, You Are So Beautiful.  He traveled throughout South America photographing locals in Brazil, Ecuador, Guatemala and Colombia. Just prior to snapping each subject he told them how beautiful they were. The end result is an instantaneous uplift and is a wonderful reminder to go ahead and pay that compliment to the next stranger you see.

We can thank our friends over at Refinery29 for unearthing a truly heartwarming collection of portrait photography. Check out the adorable mix of some of our favorite reactions from the gallery below and be sure to continue following Mehmet as he plans to continue his journey of capturing subjects through October of 2017. 

Portrait Photography

Mehmet Genç is a Turkish photographer and this post was from his latest project visiting indigenous communities in Latin America. For more information check out

Source: Abduzeedo
Smile Inducing Portrait Photography

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