Introducing Inspect now for Photoshop by InVision

Introducing Inspect now for Photoshop by InVision

Introducing Inspect now for Photoshop by InVision

Dec 15, 2016

We would like to share an announcement from the great folks over InVision and this time is about what we’ve introduced last month (or so), a tool that makes design-to-development process better for everyone. What do they mean is delivering PSDs or Sketch files to your developers, is now a thing of the past.

Inspect by Invision but NOW available for Photoshop users. You’ll be able to share your work easier for delivering the assets where the developers can have access to your colour palette, fonts, assets (download assets right off Inspect) and getting the exact specs from your mockups.

Brands like WeWork, Bloomberg BNA, and General Assembly have already seen improvements in their team’s workflows, making it easier and faster for designers to share their work with developers and for developers to get accurate information they need—like font names, hex codes, images specs, and dimensions.

See how it works


Designing and building beautiful and usable interfaces is hard work, making design specification tools exceedingly valuable additions to the process. With Inspect, it’s easy for development teams to quickly get the information they need to start building products faster. Now, designers can get their screens into production in no time, whether they choose to create in Photoshop, Sketch, or both.

Introducing Inspect now for Photoshop by InVisionIntroducing Inspect now for Photoshop by InVisionIntroducing Inspect now for Photoshop by InVision

When design and development speak the same language, in the same place, we all build better products. Streamline your design to development workflow with Inspect by InVision.

How to get started with Inspect:

Source: Abduzeedo
Introducing Inspect now for Photoshop by InVision

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