40% of online ads found to be ‘overweight’

A new report by US firm Ad Lightning claims more than 40% of online ads are larger than industry standards. And the study claims that because advertisers are creating online ads that are too big, websites are slower than ever. The rise of ‘fat ads’ could also be a big issue for marketers, with the longer loading times resulting in viewability issues.
According to Ad Age, the Interactive Advertising Bureau sets a limit of 300kb for a display ad. However, Ad Lightning found that 41% of ads were larger than that. It says almost 10% of the ‘fat ads’ ads exceed 5MB, which is about the same size as Shakespeare’s collected works.
READ MORE: 40% of online ads are found to be overweight
P&G aiming for more gender equality in India and South Africa
Procter & Gamble (P&G) says it will aim to source more products from women as part of a drive to support gender equality throughout its international business.
The FMCG giant says it will also extend its programmes to keep girls in full-time education in regions such as India, Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa.
A spokesman explains: “P&G will expand its supplier development and sourcing from women-owned business in our supply chains across the world, including the Indian subcontinent, Middle East and Africa.”
The changes are part of P&G’s Sustainable Development Goal, which aims to achieve gender equality and empower its female employees globally.
READ MORE: Procter & Gamble to sharpen focus on gender equality
Nike Middle East empowers female Arab athletes for new campaign

Nike is another major brand aiming to promote gender quality in its international business, with its new campaign boldly promoting female Middle Eastern athletes.
Exploring the challenges young Arab women face in the bid to become professional athletes, the ad aims to show what it takes socially in 2017 to become a Nike athlete in the Middle East.
The sports giant focuses on boxer Arifa Bseiso, fencer Inès Boubakri and figure skater Zahra Lari in a short film, which is narrated by Saudi artist Fatima Al-Banawi and titled “What will they say about you?”
The short-film ends with the poignant line: “If you have a body, you are an athlete.” Hear, hear.
READ MORE: Nike’s Celebration of Middle Eastern Athletes is Bold and Brave
Accenture acquires one of Germany’s biggest digital ad agencies
Fresh from acquiring UK ad agency Karmarama in a major deal last November, consulting giant Accenture has turned its attentions to Germany.
Accenture has bought 62% of the German digital agency SinnerSchrader in a €100m deal. SinnerSchrader is currently the sixth biggest digital agency in Germany and generated €47m in revenue in 2016.
“With SinnerSchrader, we continue to build out Accenture Interactive’s position as a leading digital customer experience agency,” says Brian Whipple, head of Accenture Interactive, in a statement.
The deal marks Accenture’s 10 acquisition since 2013, with it increasingly looking to compete with advertising agencies.
READ MORE: Accenture has acquired one of the biggest digital agencies in Germany
German supermarket giant’s new ad features a town full of obese people
German supermarket Edeka has delivered a controversial new ad, which features an overweight child looking to escape from a town full of obese people.
As the sad-looking child sits around the family dinner table daydreaming, he stares out the window as a bird catches his eye.
The bird inspires the boy to hatch an ambitious escape plan. Yet, his numerous attempts to escape, which include using balloons and a kite, do not work because he’s too fat.
However, thanks to the bird’s diet of eating berries, the kid is inspired to switch his regular unhealthy meals for fruit and manages to escape after creating a pair of wings. The bizarre plot makes us wish the Germans could create more UK ads.
The post International bulletin: P&G and Nike fight for gender equality, online ads are ‘overweight’ appeared first on Marketing Week.
Source: Marketing Week
International bulletin: P&G and Nike fight for gender equality, online ads are ‘overweight’