Illustration: The New York Times Gift Guide

Illustration: The New York Times Gift Guide

Illustration: The New York Times Gift Guide

Jan 04, 2017

New York City, it’s been quite a long time I last visited this city. It must be pretty at this time of year with the winter wonderland, well we are featuring an illustration/animation project with Paris-based illustrator Florent Hauchard with Parallel Studio for New York Times. The final result creates the rightful atmosphere of a cityscape scene with so much history and architectural features.

Florent Hauchard  is an illustrator and graphic designer based in Paris, France. I recently had the pleasure (and honor) to work with Parallel Studio for The New York Times. As a collaborative work with the team over Parallel Studio , please make sure to watch the little GIFs, they are super subtle and makes you wanna appreciate one view per image at the time.

Illustration: The New York Times Gift GuideIllustration: The New York Times Gift GuideIllustration: The New York Times Gift GuideIllustration: The New York Times Gift GuideIllustration: The New York Times Gift GuideIllustration: The New York Times Gift GuideIllustration: The New York Times Gift GuideIllustration: The New York Times Gift Guide


Source: Abduzeedo
Illustration: The New York Times Gift Guide

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