Architectural Illustration – Famous Buildings

Architectural Illustration – Famous Buildings

Architectural Illustration - Famous Buildings

Jan 09, 2017

Architectural illustration Progress Profiles is a illustration project shared by Andrea Minini. He was commissioned to create thirteen architectural illustrations reproducing some super renowned buildings around the world. The most beautiful thing about them is the simplicity and the use of lines to highlight some of the iconic features of these buildings. It’s a great use of the Blend Tool in Illustrator, at least that would be the way I would do it. Actually we have posted some tutorials here on ABDZ about that, like the Offset Path Effect/

The architectural illustration include buildings like the:

  • Heydar Aliyev Centre – Arch: Zaha Hadid
  • Millau Viaduct – Arch: Norman Foster
  • Sydney Opera House – Arch: Jørn Utzon
  • The Dominion Building – Arch: Zaha Hadid
  • Beijing National Stadium (bird’s nest) – Arch: Herzong & de Meuron
  • Louvre Pyramid – Arch: Leoh Ming Pei
  • Guggenheim Museum (Bilbao) – Arch: Frank Gehry
  • Jean-Marie Tjibaou Cultural Center – Arch: Renzo Piano
  • Kaufmann Residence (Fallingwater House) – Arch: Frank Lloyd Wright
  • Guggenheim Museum (NYC) – Arch: Frank Lloyd Wright

Architectural illustration

Architectural illustration - Famous BuildingsArchitectural illustration - Famous BuildingsArchitectural illustration - Famous BuildingsArchitectural illustration - Famous BuildingsArchitectural illustration - Famous BuildingsArchitectural illustration - Famous BuildingsArchitectural illustration - Famous BuildingsArchitectural illustration - Famous BuildingsArchitectural illustration - Famous BuildingsArchitectural illustration - Famous BuildingsArchitectural illustration - Famous BuildingsArchitectural illustration - Famous Buildings

About Andrea Minini

Andrea is a freelancer graphic designer and illustrator from Milano, Italy. If you like the type of illustration of this post you must check out his other projects. For more information visit

Source: Abduzeedo
Architectural Illustration – Famous Buildings

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