23 noviembre, 2016

Don’t approach content marketing like ‘advertising’s new clothes’ says Coca-Cola

What challenges lie in measuring content and analysing its success? When discussing the KPIs of a content marketing strategy in the early stages, there are typically three challenges many organisations face. First, spending an inordinate amount of time and money looking for a ‘silver bullet’ solution in the form of a very sophisticated content publishing

Don’t approach content marketing like ‘advertising’s new clothes’ says Coca-Cola Leer más »

Does Conversation Hurt Or Help The Chatbot UX?

    Chatbot fever has infected Silicon Valley. The leaders of virtually every tech giant — including Facebook, Google, Amazon and Apple — proclaim chatbots as the new websites, and messaging platforms as the new browsers. “You should message a business just the way you would message a friend,” declared Mark Zuckerberg when he launched

Does Conversation Hurt Or Help The Chatbot UX? Leer más »

Is Microsoft ‘cool enough’ to take on Apple?

Microsoft believes perceptions of the brand have changed, with consumers now seeing it as “cool”, thanks to product innovations, such as the Surface Pro 4 tablet, Surface Pro Studio desktop and Hololens virtual reality technology. With this in mind, Microsoft is focusing on execution rather than product launches this Christmas, targeting a millennial audience with

Is Microsoft ‘cool enough’ to take on Apple? Leer más »

Why Black Friday is now a vital part of Christmas for UK retailers

When Black Friday properly debuted on these shores back in 2013, it was remembered primarily for photographs of people getting into punch ups over limited stocks of cheap TVs. Asda, the retail brand most associated with these unsavoury scenes, even made the decision to pull out of Black Friday last year as it cited “shopper

Why Black Friday is now a vital part of Christmas for UK retailers Leer más »