Udacity Branding

Udacity Branding

Udacity Branding

Nov 14, 2016

Udacity redesigned their brand and visual identity, I really like the end result and it’s always good to know a bit more behind a major redesign project like this. Bill Kenney shared a bit of that on a Behance post. He talks about the challenges and how they overcame them. The work was done by Focus Lab where Bill is the co-owner and art-director. 

Udacity is disrupting the traditional idea of higher education. They specialize in providing industry-prepared courses and “nanodegrees” to help students learn the skills they need to get a job.

We created a comprehensive brand experience that is clean, simple, honest, and professional. The vantage point of the logo mark embodies Udacity’s non-traditional approach to education. Paired with the logomark, the logotype gives a subtle nod to the ownability of the brand.

Branding and visual identity

Bill Kenney is the Focus Lab, LLC co-owner and art director. They are a Design & Web Development Co. that specializes in Branding, ExpressionEngine and overall “awesomeness!” For more information check out http://focuslabllc.com/

Source: Abduzeedo
Udacity Branding

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