The Perfect Office – AirBar Touchscreen Sensor, Dell XPS 27 All-in-One Desktop and Office Ideas

The Perfect Office – AirBar Touchscreen Sensor, Dell XPS 27 All-in-One Desktop and Office Ideas

The Perfect Office - AirBar Touchscreen Sensor, Dell XPS 27 All-in-One Desktop and Office Ideas

Jan 09, 2017

We’ve seen some great gadgets and equipment for designers. So many cool stuff, that we could actually assemble infinite perfect office spaces! Every week we’ll assemble a perfect office, and we’d like you to help us. What equipment would the perfect office have?

We’ve selected some super amazing items for you this week, beginning with a badass pen, the Tombow Airpress Pen, which is a pressure-refill pen. Turn you Macbook screen into a touchscreen with AirBar Sensor… you’ll manage to use brushes to work! Dell has released a superb All-in-One Desktop, the XPS 27. But there’s more!

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Tombow Airpress Pen

The Perfect Office - AirBar Touchscreen Sensor, Dell XPS 27 All-in-One Desktop and Office Ideas!

Having a great pen you can rely on no matter where you take it isn’t as common as you might think. That’s why the reliability of pens like this Tombow Airpress Pen are so amazing. It’s a pressure-refill pen that gives you the ability to toss it in your bag and be sure it will write consistently each time you reach for it thanks to the patented pressurized technology it employs. (at Uncrate)

AirBar Touchscreen Sensor

The Perfect Office - AirBar Touchscreen Sensor, Dell XPS 27 All-in-One Desktop and Office Ideas!

If you want to get a touchscreen sensor for your MacBook Air, get an AirBar. This is a unique plug-and-touch solution for your MacBook Air. What it does is pretty simple. It just makes your MacBook screen touchscreen compatible. As a result, you will get a brand new way to interact with your MacBook. (at The Gadget Flow)

Polaroid Pop Instant Camera

The Perfect Office - AirBar Touchscreen Sensor, Dell XPS 27 All-in-One Desktop and Office Ideas!

A true Polaroid reimagined for the digital age, the Polaroid Pop Instant Camera is the spiritual successor to the 600 series. It has a 20 megapixel CMOS sensor, image stabilization, and a dual LED flash for capturing images. It has built-in Wifi and Bluetooth and a big touchscreen, shoots 1080p video, and stores its images to a microSD card. But most importantly, it has a built-in Zink printer that outputs 3×4″ images with the iconic border, resulting in 3.5×4.25″ prints, the same size as their models sold long ago. (at Uncrate)

Matias Backlit Wireless Aluminum Keyboard

The Perfect Office - AirBar Touchscreen Sensor, Dell XPS 27 All-in-One Desktop and Office Ideas!

If you are looking for something considerably quieter and has a slimmer profile, at CES 2017 Matias took the wraps off their new backlit wireless aluminum keyboard. The keyboard will build on the existing design of the aluminum keyboard, except that this time it will feature backlit keys and has clearly been designed for Mac users in mind. (at UberGizmo)

Dell XPS 27 All-in-One Desktop

The Perfect Office - AirBar Touchscreen Sensor, Dell XPS 27 All-in-One Desktop and Office Ideas!

Go for the best desktop computing experience with the Dell XPS 27 All-in-One Desktop. As a matter of fact, this desktop shows you every detail of the pixel without you having to zoom in. The UltraSharp 4K Ultra HD display is truly one of a kind. The color gradients you see here are crisper with better details. Additionally, the desktop works even better because of the incredible auditory experience. (at The Gadget Flow)

Office Ideas!

Here are some office ideas for you! How do you like these? Don’t forget that you may suggest gadgets or ideas via twitter: @paulogabriel – I hope you enjoy these! Cheers. 😉

The Perfect Office - AirBar Touchscreen Sensor, Dell XPS 27 All-in-One Desktop and Office Ideas!

The Perfect Office - AirBar Touchscreen Sensor, Dell XPS 27 All-in-One Desktop and Office Ideas!

The Perfect Office - AirBar Touchscreen Sensor, Dell XPS 27 All-in-One Desktop and Office Ideas!

The Perfect Office - AirBar Touchscreen Sensor, Dell XPS 27 All-in-One Desktop and Office Ideas!

The Perfect Office - AirBar Touchscreen Sensor, Dell XPS 27 All-in-One Desktop and Office Ideas!

The Perfect Office - AirBar Touchscreen Sensor, Dell XPS 27 All-in-One Desktop and Office Ideas!

The Perfect Office - AirBar Touchscreen Sensor, Dell XPS 27 All-in-One Desktop and Office Ideas!

Source: Abduzeedo
The Perfect Office – AirBar Touchscreen Sensor, Dell XPS 27 All-in-One Desktop and Office Ideas

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