Product Design Concept: Sketch iPad

Product Design Concept: Sketch iPad

Product Design Concept: Sketch iPad

Dec 28, 2016

Sketch iPad is a product design concept created an shared by Andrii Bondar on his Behance page. When I saw the post for a moment I thought it was real but then checking it was clear it was an exercise. That said, I still dream on seeing a tool like Sketch being ported to a tablet. Many times I tried to switch from a laptop to a tablet, however there’s no tools that would allow me to do my work. This concept highlights some good things but awesome some of the biggest challenges, in my opinion, the tap targets that the finger requires for accuracy. It’s an excellent exercise for sure, definitely worth checking it out.

Andrii is a designer with 6 years experience in Branding/UI/UX sphere His primary skills: mobile application design, interface design, interface animation, user experience, graphic design, branding. For more information check out

Product design concept

Source: Abduzeedo
Product Design Concept: Sketch iPad

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