Motion Design: Twisted Letters Experiments

Motion Design: Twisted Letters Experiments

Motion Design: Twisted Letters Experiments

Feb 27, 2017

Twisted Letters is a series of motion design, art direction and graphic design experiments created and shared by * Webshocker * on their Behance profile. I have been seen these artworks via my Chrome extension that shows popular Dribbble entries every time I open a new tab. I was always in awe with how smooth and clever the animation and and motion design work was, so I decided to find out who was behind this clever designs. Below you can see some of them, my favorite has to be the Ss and the Happy word.

* Webshocker * is the Co-founder & Creative Director at Webshocker, a full-service digital agency, working with clients from all over the world. Their services include Web design & Development, Graphic design, Motion graphics, App design and more. For more information check out

Motion design

Source: Abduzeedo
Motion Design: Twisted Letters Experiments

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