Motion Design: FS-II by Nicola Lopardo

Motion Design: FS-II by Nicola Lopardo

Motion Design: FS-II by Nicola Lopardo

Jan 02, 2017

FS-II is a motion design project shared by Nicolas Lopard on his Behance profile. As a fan of abstract designs, especially futuristic patterns that remind of Tron, I could not let this pass. The work that Nicolas put together for this motion project is exquisite. The dark theme and the glowing blue colors definitely caught my attention. It would be something I would love to do in Photoshop, of course Nicolas went above and beyond by creating a beautiful animation, transitioning through different patterns.

Nicolas Lopardo is a designer from Toronto, Canada. His skills go beyond static graphic design rippling through the motion design realm. For more information about his work check out

Motion Design


FS-II from Nicolas Lopardo on Vimeo.

Motion Still

Motion Design: FS-IIMotion Design: FS-IIMotion Design: FS-IIMotion Design: FS-IIMotion Design: FS-IIMotion Design: FS-IIMotion Design: FS-IIMotion Design: FS-IIMotion Design: FS-IIMotion Design: FS-II

Source: Abduzeedo
Motion Design: FS-II by Nicola Lopardo

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