#Happy10Abduzeedo – Our Winners
Jan 01, 2017
This last December, we had the opportunity to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Abduzeedo with you guys. We had an incredible time reading through all the comments and beautiful words from all of you. We must admit that your comments were really helpful and also giving us a boost for what’s to come in 2017. Now it’s time to announce the winners of all six (6) giveaways with a total of sixteen (16) winners who were randomly picked from our Instagram and Facebook Page. We would like to take this moment to thank our partners who took part into this celebration and everyone who took the time to participate.
Fabio Sasso created the blog as a side-project after he lost everything from a robbery back in 2006. It was in his way for him to backup files but also bookmark things he liked and inspired him. Since then his work has been used, shared and featured many times but beyond all, his goal was to inspired us to create and make more. That’s the philosophy and minset of Abduzeedo that will always lives on.

Day One – Winner
John Galliers
Day Two – Winners
Nicky Watson
Day Three – Winners
Alex Iacobus
Day Four – Winners
Invision Giveaway – Winners
Ian Hoene
Ruslan Sharifov
L O R I N E – You are the grand winner of the lifetime InVision license!
Each winner will be contacted through Instagram OR Facebook DM to gather your information. Thank you!
I never imagined or planned to get to 10 years. I started the blog after my studio got robbed and I lost everything. After that day I tried to focus on the present more than ever, life is too unpredictable and we can get frustrated if something happens that weren’t in our plans. That happened to me, it sucks, but I learned a lot. Sometimes things are much worse in our heads and imagination than in reality. – Fabio Sasso
Source: Abduzeedo
#Happy10Abduzeedo – Our Winners