Branding Project: L² Studio

Branding Project: L² Studio

Branding Project: L² Studio

Dec 07, 2016

L² is a branding design project created by the two young creative graphic designers, that happened to be twins, for their studio. One of the biggest issues I’ve always had is to design something for myself or in the past for my design studio. Working for clients or products is easier than designing your own portfolio. Krisztián Lakosi and Lakosi Richárd simply did an amazing job with the branding for their studio. It’s super simple but it does look very classic.

The L² studio was formed from the collaboration of two young creative graphic designers, also twins. The exponent in its name refers to the effect of cooperation: working together as a team we can achieve a lot more than we could do alone. The graphic designers of L² believe in deliberate, smart design, they built their own identity from the simplest elements possible – from a descriptive symbol and an intense color.

For more information about Krisztián Lakosi and Lakosi Richárd, check out


Branding: L²Branding: L²Branding: L²Branding: L²Branding: L²Branding: L²Branding: L²Branding: L²

Source: Abduzeedo
Branding Project: L² Studio

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