ABDZ Photo Challenge: Our #abdz_strideby Picks
Feb 24, 2017
Here we are, with more than 100+ posts over Instagram with the hashtag #abdz_strideby, we say it was a pretty successful first Abduzeedo Photo Challenge. It was a lot of fun to go through your submissions and having a chance to witness the beautiful parts of the World that you guys lived in. I hope you guys have enjoyed and if you have any comments/suggestions, please do share with us via Facebook or Twitter.
We look forward to see what you will come up with. On to the next challenge!
This for this week, we had to go for the hashtag: –> #abdz_strideby. What does it mean? Stride By is a term used for saying like you’ll take a long step of passing over an obstruction. The interesting part with the challenge is easy but the fact on how you will frame the shot? The architecture? The shadowplay? Let’s check out the suite!
Make sure to follow: @Abduzeedos .
Source: Abduzeedo
ABDZ Photo Challenge: Our #abdz_strideby Picks